Women’s vaginal health is not only about their health, but also affects their fertility, so vaginal health is very important. Therefore, once you find any abnormality in your vagina, you should seek medical attention in time. Don’t worry, learn the following methods, they can easily determine.
1. Take a look: whether the leucorrhoea is normal
Usually, the vagina and vulva often have a small amount of secretion to maintain a moderate degree of wetness, which is the leukorrhea. Most normal leucorrhea is transparent in color, resembles egg white, clean and moderate.
If the leucorrhea is milk-like in color, becomes thin and foamy or white, with a medium to large amount, without itching, it may be suspected of vaginitis; if the leucorrhea is increased, yellow, thin, and accompanied by abdominal pain, it may be pelvic inflammatory disease; if the leucorrhea is white, creamy, thick, and slightly sweet, with some itching in the pubic area, it may be Candida infection; if the leucorrhea is mixed with white lumps, like tofu sludge, and accompanied by strange itching, it may be mycosis fungoides. It is likely to be mycosis vaginalis; bloody leucorrhea may be benign lesions such as cervical polyps, submucosal fibroids, dysfunctional uterine bleeding disease and senile vaginitis in light cases, or malignant tumors such as cervical cancer and endometrial cancer in heavy cases.
2. Smell: whether the smell is abnormal
In general, a healthy vagina does not have abnormal odor except for the heavy smell of blood during menstruation. If your private parts smell bad, first check yourself if your pants are too tight, not breathable, or not properly cleaned and sanitized. If these reasons are ruled out and there is a fishy smell in your private parts, you should be wary of bacterial vaginitis, mycotic vaginitis and trichomoniasis.
3. Touch: how tight it is
The vaginal wall is made up of mucous membrane, muscle and fibrous layer, about 7 to 9 cm long, with many muscles and ligaments attached around it to keep it at a certain angle and under the right tension.
The tightness of the vagina varies from woman to woman. Generally speaking, the vaginal muscles of unmarried women are more elastic and have a better tightness, while after childbirth the vaginal walls become lax and the tightness decreases. However, during the puerperium the vaginal muscle tone will gradually recover and pelvic muscle exercises will speed up the recovery. It is known that the mucosal folds start to reappear about 3 weeks after childbirth. If the tightness is still poor after 3 weeks, even if you can’t hold urine, you should go to the hospital in time.
4. Touch: whether the humidity is suitable
A healthy vagina is able to produce the right amount of fluid to maintain normal vaginal humidity and harmonious sex. These fluids mainly come from the secretions of the cervix and vestibular glands and the exudate produced by the vaginal wall congestion. If the vagina is less moist or even dry and does not produce enough “lubricant”, it is important to be aware that endocrine disorders, reduced ovarian function and vaginitis may cause a decrease in vaginal fluid production. In addition, frequent deep douching with vaginal lotions may also cause vaginal dryness due to excessive cleaning.
5. Check: for abnormal bumps
There are some small folds in the normal vagina, but if a woman finds abnormal small bumps and lumps in her private parts that are not normally found in her daily cleaning, it is important to pay attention to them.
If you have a burning sensation in your labia, clitoris, vagina or cervix, then you will have red spots and clusters of small blisters, be on the lookout for genital herpes. If you have tiny, soft papillary warts (with tiny finger-like protrusions) or small, pointy papules that gradually increase in size and fuse with each other to form a corkscrew or cauliflower shape, you are likely to have vulvar warts.
The experts reminded that if the vaginal odor, shape, and secretions are abnormal, women should not be capricious to buy and use drugs on their own, but should first go to the gynecologist to confirm the diagnosis and identify the cause for the treatment is the most resourceful choice.