What does an abundance of nasal hair in men mean?

Vigorous nasal hair is mostly more common in men. Both men and women have nasal hair, which grows at the front of the nostrils and is the first line of defense for the respiratory system, preventing dust or bacteria and large particles from entering the respiratory tract, protecting the nasal mucosa from damage, and also acting as a warm and moist cold air.

The presence of nasal hairs is of great importance for health and can prevent respiratory diseases. Although nasal hairs play a very important role, they can also be a nuisance if they are too strong.

Because reckless growth of nose hairs can seriously affect personal image, reduce their impression in the minds of others and look sloppy, so many men cut off their nose hairs when they come out.

Because the growth rate of nose hair is so fast, every week or two you have to trim it, so many men are troubled, so why do men’s nose hairs come out? What does it mean to have an abundance of nose hair? Next, let’s take a look.

Why the man’s nose hair will “scurry” out? What does the nose hair means? After reading up on knowledge, the

Androgen secretion is high

The secretory system is a very important system in the human body, which can control the secretion of various hormones in the body to ensure the balance of hormones in the body and play their respective roles.

Compared with women, male androgen secretion is stronger, androgen is the main reason for strong hair, so if the male androgen is sufficient, then the growth rate of nasal hair will be faster, long time not trimmed will run to the outside of the nose.

Bad habits

Many male friends will have some bad habits, such as irregular work and rest, smoking and drinking, etc., which will cause the nose hair to grow too fast.

Because nasal hair can filter the air bacteria and dust, if long-term smoking, the harmful substances in tobacco through the nasal cavity, will damage the nasal mucosa. At this time, in order to protect the nasal mucosa, nasal hairs will make themselves grow rapidly, so long-term smokers will usually have nasal hairs jumping out.

Picking nostrils

Some men will have the behavior of digging their nostrils, usually digging their nose with their hands, and this behavior will also cause the nose hair to grow too fast.

Because there are many bacteria on our hands, these bacteria are likely to enter the nasal cavity in the process of digging nostrils, in addition, nails may also scratch the nasal mucosa, both of these factors can lead to excessive growth of nasal hair.

Environmental factors

A person’s living environment can also affect the growth rate of nasal hair. If one lives in a polluted and dusty environment for a long time, a large amount of dust and toxic substances will be inhaled into the nasal cavity.

The main function of nasal hairs is to block bacteria and dust, so when they enter the nasal cavity, they are contaminated by nasal hairs, which are stimulated and grow rapidly.

These reasons, which may lead to excessive growth of nasal hairs and strong nasal hairs also indicate better defense of the body, but some people will just pull out their nasal hairs to keep themselves looking good.

In fact, this behavior is very undesirable, because every hair in the body has its meaning, and so does the nose hair, which is very important for the body, so we should not blindly pull it out by hand, otherwise it will affect the health of the nose.

What is the role of nose hair?

Blocking dust

The main function of nasal hairs is to block dust, nowadays the air pollution is serious, we need nasal hairs to be our “security guards” to keep dust and bacteria out of our nasal cavity to ensure our body’s safety.

Protect the temperature of the nasal mucosa

The presence of nasal hairs can maintain the temperature of the nasal mucosa, prevent the cold air from entering our organs directly, and keep the proper humidity of the nasal mucosa to prevent nasal bleeding from being too dry.

Protect the sense of smell

The nasal hairs not only filter the air and protect the nasal mucosa, but also protect our sense of smell, making us more sensitive to various smells, especially during meals, which increases our desire to eat.